Best Ways to Stick To your New Year’s Resolution to Lose Weight

Best Ways to Stick To your New Year’s Resolution to Lose Weight

We are all set to welcome yet another year with all the hopes, fun and wishes in our hearts. One thing which can’t be forgotten before the beginning of the next year is the New Year Resolution! Each and every one of us has at least one resolution to make and we all have it in our minds but what matters more is whether that promise with yourself be kept or not.
There are resolutions to quit drinking, smoking, follow good habits, wake on time, sleep on time, eat this and that and the list goes on and on. Meanwhile all this, people also take resolutions of losing weight and unfortunately only a handful is able to achieve it. This is not because it is impossible or too tough to achieve but because we do not stick to it.
So, if you are the one who has solemnly resolved to cut the calories this year, may be because you are going to be the bride; want to win a modelling contest or just to remain fit in the upcoming year , here are some real easy and effective ways to stick to your resolution till it is fulfilled.

Clarify Your Goal


It means that first you need to decide whether you have to lose weight or make any changes in the diet like eating less sugar, more fruits etc. Unspecified goals will only confuse you leading to laziness. Being specific about your resolution will help you to stay connected with it for long and you will see yourself fulfilling that resolution seriously.

Begin your Day with a healthy breakfast


It is rightly said that if you begin your day with something constructive your entire day will be fruitful. Similar is the case here, when you start your day with a healthy breakfast you tend to make healthy choices for the entire day, hence making your resolution come alive. For a nutritious breakfast have eggs, broccoli, oats, grains etc. and to slurp, enjoy some smoothies, shakes, fresh fruit juices, latte and a lot more.

Make cooking as a part of your routine


Take out some time to cook yourself, not only at the time of cooking but as a routine work daily. What you need to do is cut some veggies, grill the food and prepare some grains beforehand to be stored in the refrigerator. This act of yours will reduce the possibility of you cheating on yourself. As healthy stuff will already be there in your fridge, you will just have to go ahead, cook and eat.

Call up your friends for a healthy dinner Party

healthy-dinner party-wellnesstuning

If you have decided to lose your weight, then surely you might be having some or the other friend who has the same goal. So, to make this resolution more exciting plan a healthy dinner party where you can cook some real nutritious recipes which were on your mind for long. This planning will diminish boredom of cooking all by yourself and will help you out to stay in shape.

Keep a Record

To keep a record of your success either prepare a journal or create a group of friends who have the similar resolution. There you can discuss each other’s failures and success regarding weight loss. A journal will motivate you to maintain a good record, hence making you follow a proper diet and easy exercises.

Set Targets

This is true that you might be having at least one dress in your wardrobe which you are longing to wear again. Yes, make that dress your first target to achieve. Try to gain that body to fit into your favourite old collection.

Reward Yourself


Whether big or small every success is special, so you need to celebrate it. To be self motivated everytime you need a constant appreciation, and none other than you yourself can do it better. Reward yourself at any success or achievement you gain while following weight loss hacks. Even if you reduce just a little bit don’t take it for granted but consider it as a milestone in this race to get a fit body.
Follow at least one of these ways and you will surely stick to your New Year Resolution, making it meaningful and healthy at the same time.

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